Когда произойдёт то, о чём сообщил Иосифу Голос, — никаких войн больше не будет. Потому что воевать будет некому — и не с кем; вся жестокость человечества и озлобленность лидеров канет в небытие, навсегда освобождая землю от огня и раздора. Но пока этого не случилось, и отголоски смертоносных сражений, что гремят в отдалённых странах, не затихая и не прекращаясь, ясно виднеются в глазах его брата. Словно два тёмных зеркала, что отражают всю боль и ненависть этого обречённого мира.Читать дальше
Вглядывались ли Вы когда-либо в заволоченный чернильным маревом небосвод с мелкой россыпью мириад искристых звезд, слыша на границе сознания хрустальную мелодию с другого конца Вселенной? Мерещились ли Вам обволакивающие пространство тягучие эфирные сети, неведанными стезями уходящие далеко за горизонт? Нарушала ли Ваше душевное равновесие мысль, что все переплетено, оглушая сродни раскатистому грому? Если Ваш разум устал барахтаться в мелководье иллюзорных догадок, то знайте — двери нашего дома всегда открыты для заблудших путников. Ежели Вашим разумом владеет идея, даже абсолютно шальная, безрассудная, а душу терзает ретивое желание воплотить ее в жизнь, то постойте, нет-нет, не смейте даже думать о том, чтобы с ней проститься! Право, не бойтесь поведать о той волнующей плеяде задумок, что бесчисленными алмазными зернами искрятся в голове, — мы всегда будем рады пылкости Вашего воображения, ибо оно, ничуть не преувеличивая, один из самых изумительных даров нашей жизни.
шаблон анкеты вторые роли валюта связь с администраторами
гостевая книга правила сюжет занятые роли нужные персонажи


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pacific rim :: тихоокеанский рубеж

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// pacific rim //




// таймлайн //
часы войны остановлены. конец первого фильма и целый новый мир впереди

you can (not)  forget

// важные хэдканоны
♦ Кайдановские пережили бой с Leatherback, потому что Comrades Never Die.
♦ Uprising? We don't know her. События второго фильма будут существовать только как какой-нибудь mirror!verse
♦ Джейк Пентекост не существует в нашей реальности. ну или сделайте его меньшим мудаком (?)
♦ Newmann, обвиосли (хотя, с интервью Дэя я уже не уверен, что это именно хэдканон, а не просто канон)
♦ если кто-то возжелает играть Пентекоста или Чака или Вей - бога ради. we can always find you in the drift (и не только, но это спойлеры одной из сюжетных веток)

you can (not)    redo

// cюжет

→ ПТСР - изворотливая и неизбежная дрянь, способная превратить в ад жизнь одного человека и его окружения. представьте себе, что в один относительно прекрасный день с ним просыпаются десятки, с ним наедине остаются города и целые нации.
Посттравматическое расстройство и буйно цветущие фобии, разгневанные культисты, вдруг ставшая совершенно никому не нужной Стройка тысячелетия, так же известная в простонародье, как Стена, дыры в бюджете и единственный функционирующий Шаттердом.
Они не думали об этом, когда бросались в свой последний бой, когда каждый жил моментом, когда Часы Войны тикали, ежедневно отмеряя оставшиеся им секунды, минуты, часы... И вдруг это произошло. Просто взяло и случилось. И когда отгремели воображаемые фанфары, первоначальная слепящая радость и облегчение чуть-чуть отступили, а адреналин потихоньку стал покидать кровь, они с ужасом поняли. Отменить Апокалипсис н е д о с т а т о ч н о.

⇉ Разлом закрыт, Часы остановлены, последний вторгнувшийся кайдзю испустил дух, последний Егерь безвозвратно уничтожен.
Они рады, они в эйфории, они счастливы. Но уже через пару часов они так же понимают, насколько они беззащитны. Как там сказал Гайзлер? Они уже были здесь, Предвестники, но в тот раз окружающая среда им не подошла. И эти твари ждали 65 миллионов лет, чтобы вернуться. Сколько ещё они готовы подождать? Стоит ли действительно обнулять Часы? Или просто начать отсчёт по-новой?..

⇶ Треспассер был первым монстром, и мир навсегда запомнит его как существо, ознаменовавшее своим появлением K-DAY. Шесть дней, три города, тысячи жизней. Он стал ударом электрического шока, первой прививкой человечества против угрозы, о которой то не могло даже помыслить. Но он оставил после себя только боль и разрушение, Хундун же принёс Кайдзю Блю.
Через полгода после Тресспассера его выплёвывает на сушу близ Филиппин, и он подминает под себя Манилу. А когда дохнет под гнётом ядерного удара, испускает в окружающую среду свои экскременты и кровь. Токсичный эффект от них оказывается неожиданным и чертовски сильным. Его стараются взять под контроль, его изучают, ищут способы его нейтрализации, локализации и последствия. Но у них оказывается всего четыре месяца перед тем, как следующей целью становится Кабо-Сан-Лукас. С каждым месяцем война набирает обороты, становится очевидно, что кайдзю продолжат приходить и станут делать это чаще и чаще. Все лучшие силы человечества бросаются на спасение, на противостояние текущей неминуемой угрозе, тому, что под носом. И на долгие-долгие 11 лет забывают про Хундуна и гниющие, тут и там обёрнутые жёлтой оградительной лентой и утыканные знаками BIOHAZARD пляжи Филиппин.
А теперь есть время остановиться. Есть время вернуться. Кто знает, что.. или кто могло там произойти.

// участники //

hermann gottlieb

newton geiszler

// хронология //

schwellenangst : drift-compatibility and what happens next
Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger :
apocalypse: cancelled; human stupidity: not so much
Ihre Nachricht wurde versendet : it's laways sunny in Philadelphia and curiosity can still kill a cat

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (16.06.18 12:45)



Conn-Pod - ... (кокпит и центр управления Егерем)

Ghost drift - псевдо-дрифт, призрачный дрифтинг (возможно, официальный перевод. самый распространённый побочный эффект от дрифта)

K-Science - Кей-Наука, кайдзю-наука

Neural Handshake - нейронное рукопожатие

Pon system (pons) - нейромост

Qwoon combat room - боевая комната квун (I mean, really?), место в Академии и Шаттердомах, где тренируются рейнджеры и тестируется дрифт-совместимость

... - спровоцированный мозговой импульс случайного типа (когда затягивает в воспоминания. прим. - случай с Мако при первом дрифте с Райли)

... - свободное пространство в дрифте (моментальное общение, управление Егерем, единение разумов пилотов)

... - спинные фиксаторы. соединяют пилотов между собой и с Егерем. каждый сегмент фиксатора соединяет участок позвоночника пилота с участками позвоночника Егеря.

... - нейро-проводящий гель. заполняет шлем, передаёт электрический импульс между пилотами

... - нейросинхронизация

June 9, 1989, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
January 19, 1990, Berlin, Germany

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (26.04.18 12:45)



это грустно на самом деле, что мне понадобилось 5 лет, чтобы это понять, но... главное ведь, что я понял, правда?
плюс у меня есть просто вагон excuses, почему всё именно так произошло и ровно ноль понимания того, почему я таки пронёс Пасифик Рим с собой через все эти годы, чтобы наконец запнуться о челлендж и сломать себе шею.
иными словами, спасибо, плейнкросс.

okay so i haven’t really talked in detail yet about how what i’m most glad about with newt and hermann is what they entail w/r/t disability
hermann is very obviously disabled in the film, the first shot we see of him (it’s not actually the fight in the lift!! you can see him and newt arguing over a crate outside as the camera pans past them) he’s using his cane, and he maintains doing so throughout the film— when bad things happen, newt has to slow down a couple of times to let hermann catch up (which, btw, truly made me love him, because do you know how often people do that in real life to me, NOT MANY) like he is un-fucking-mistakeably disabled, and you know what? it matters, yeah, because when the world’s fucking ending he can’t run that fast, but it also doesn’t, because his worth in the shatterdome is predicated on the fact that he, like newt, is basically a weapon all by himself
and then novel canon cements newt as neuroatypical — ‘borderline manic personality’, so probably bipolar — so like, we’re talking about someone who would probably never be allowed to be a jaeger pilot, because speaking as someone who shares a brain with bipolar disorder, i would not want to mind-meld with someone and then operate heavy machinery. newt, like hermann, would not have worth in most action movies of this type. like, yeah, maybe they’d get to be comic relief and get to contribute some minor ~~~science thing~~~ of importance, but they wouldn’t be the focus. they wouldn’t be the motherfuckin’ heroes.
BUT IN THIS FILM, THEY ARE. of course, they’re not the heroes alone, but they get to do this terrifying amazing glorious thing, this thing they’re not even trained for, and the information they gather at great personal and mental and emotional and physical cost SAVES THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE FROM EXTINCTION
also, they’re not punished for anything, and the moment where they come together to form a literal left brain/right brain organism is a lovely one. lots of films like this would take the TEACH THE NON-HEROES A LESSON!!! ARROGANCE IS BAD!!! but nooooope. actual scientist rockstars who mind-meld an alien and predict a double event with a chalkboard. they’re scared and physically small and ‘weak’ and they’re allowed to be all of this things, frightened and vulnerable and bleeding, and we aren’t supposed to respect them any less for having such human reactions, for having the reactions of the untrained in a war zone.
in this movie, a guy who walks with a cane and may well have done so since birth and a guy who clearly spends at least some of his time talking to himself at 3am while obsessively eating cereal and spinning through the emotional gamut like he’s a catherine wheel got to save the world, and you know what, other summer blockbusters try


Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (16.04.18 00:52)




warning signs mostly


Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (16.04.18 02:47)






Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (16.04.18 11:35)










в связи с тем, что через телеграм больше удобненько не перекинуть





благословенен будь Тесла и его катушки
всё звучит лучше на катушках Теслы


Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (20.04.18 01:03)




for what, I have no fucking clue.
but saying “parallels” automatically makes any post sound 30% smarter

I have been racking my brain on this for awhile and I think i might have a theory.

In many ways Pacific Rim is about people. The decisions they make and how they interact with each other. I think that’s why it has the fan following it does. We all empathize with the characters, they feel like real people. Its something missing from most big budget action flicks. They are people that have been hurt by war and some of them express it in ways we understand while others don’t.

It takes two people to drift. A pair, just like a pair of shoes. Without one shoe you are hobbled, impaired. You need two shoes working together to be a complete person and you need two pilots working together to have a complete Jaeger. When Mako loses her family (and her shoe) as a little girl she becomes half a person. she leads a full life but its tainted by her obsession with revenge. She’s one shoe. The other shoe is Raleigh hes lost his other half and he’s broken, disgraced and gone into hiding. Hes also obsessed but by despair instead of revenge. When Pentecost gives Mako her shoe back she finally has permission to find her other half. She does and with his help they both find peace as a pair of Jaeger pilots.

So really the shoe is two things. Obsession and Partnership.

With Hannibal’s shoe you start out with the idea of obsession. Which is something Newt struggles with. He and Hannibal both have that in common but Hannibal’s obsession has corrupted him while Newt’s is scattered and hes ultimately trying to be a force for good. Under the right circumstances I could see Newt easily go that Hannibal direction. Which is kinda what I took away when he lifts up that shoe (after Hannibal is consumed by his own obsession in the form of the baby kaiju) and looks at it. Luckily there’s partnership. That’s where Hermann comes in. (interestingly enough in the cut scene where Hermann is holding Newt after his solo drift he is losing his shoe which shows that same idea of shoes/partnership.) Hermann’s big old floppy dirty oxfords are the opposite of the jingly shiny Hannibal shoe. He prevents Newt from going down that road by being his other half. Just like Raleigh is to Mako.

I recall Guillermo talking about colors, and how everything about Mako in this scene is blue, it’s all blues and cool tones- and then the shoe is red.

He likened the shoe to Mako’s heart. A child, clutching the broken remnants of her heart, the thing she desires most- her family, her childhood, in the palm of her hands, in the moment it has all been taken away from her. That comes back as very important later, when Stacker gives her back that tiny red shoe. Gives her her heart back, finally allows himself to trust her so that she can go after what she wants- justice for her childhood and all the things they’ve lost in this war.

I think it’s something very similar there, that image of Newt with Hannibal’s shoe is that moment after Newt has really been disillusioned about the Kaiju. They aren’t what he thought they were. He’s lost every idea he ever had about how awesome and cool the Kaiju are, that feeling of glory is gone. Color is so damn telling in everything Del Toro has ever directed, and what is gold? Fame, glory, heroics, everything Newt wanted, in the moment it’s been taken away from him.

Two very distinct moments of loss.

Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (21.04.18 19:15)



this is just fkn HILARIOUS


I don’t know if this has been fandom-noted or not by now. But I was working on a gifset, and I just wanted to pause and point out Newt’s little music center on the left there. (Click the image to view a somewhat larger version) I’m seeing a classical piano covered with sheet music, a keyboard, a guitar, a mic, possibly an amp, and bongos. From the novel, we know that Newt comes from a family of musicians, so it’s not surprising to see all this there.

Aw, I wonder how many complaints he garnered from Hermann for rocking out. (I wonder how many were from the bongos alone)

Everybody sit back a minute. Just…sit back and consider the Shatterdome setup. From what I’ve read and ascertained any given Shatterdome is an inpregnable fortress usually only reachable by helicopter or perhaps boat. If you are lucky a Shatterdome may be on an inlet instead of an island so you could get a bit of foot traffic right? I’m just setting the scene here so bear with me.

So In the movie we saw those giant helicopters bring in the kaiju samples and they had to be brought down in an enormous freight elevator and pushed into the lab by multiple people Pain in the ass. We also saw from Mako’s room that people generally have some stuff..yeah but its easy to carry. Knick Knacks..books.

Newton Geiszler has been for some undisclosed amount of time. Dragging an entire piano around with him. A PIANO IS NOT A THING YOU JUST HAVE CASUALLY LYING AROUND A MILITARY ORGANIZATION.

Newt had to have that thing flown in or put on a boat and TAKEN OUT TO HONG KONG.He probably at some point was pushing that (most likely) atonal old piano through crowds of people in a busy hallway. Forced PPDC military to help him lever it down a step he missed. Hell! I bet Aleksis Kaidanovsky has moved that piano like eight times.How much time and resources have been wasted so he can…what? Think? Relieve stress? He couldn’t have just used a PORTABLE KEYBOARD? WOULD THAT NOT HAVE THE RIGHT SOUND YOU FUCKING HIPSTER? WERE THE ACOUSTICS NOT RIGHT?

Can you imagine the acid burns on that thing? That piano is probably covered in Blue renmants. Someday that piano will be ON DISPLAY IN THE SMITHSONIAN. Along with Hermanns Chalkboards and like…I dunno Raleigh’s giant sweater. It will be sitting there in an exhibit called “SHATTERDOME STORIES: HOW WE WON THE WAR.” EXHIBIT B: NEWTS FUCKING PIANO.

This just sums up his character in a nutshell doesn’t it? Stacker must put up with this so much he can’t believe it sometimes. He’s trying to win a goddamn war and he keeps getting requisition forms for piano wire or some shit.




this is just too funny, I'm sorry




I can't even fucking articulate
это тот момент, когда.. когда когда всё так прекрасно, что ты задыхаешься (потому что они ещё и говорят слово Gundam!)
и вместе с тем так плохо, потому что это ебучий апразинг, что ты задыхаешься ещё больше
the very definition of mixed signals, dude

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (23.04.18 02:36)



*господи иисусе, ШО Ж ТАК КРИВО

Jurassic Park, 1993 / Pacific Rim, 2013
https://i.imgur.com/IcQale3.gif https://i.imgur.com/TLhGM06.gif
https://i.imgur.com/nYRFgcG.gif https://i.imgur.com/WyPJv0c.gif
https://i.imgur.com/voluSbt.gif https://i.imgur.com/IPJXtt5.gif
https://i.imgur.com/iFDx1PH.gif https://i.imgur.com/FKEDEai.gif
https://i.imgur.com/qSA45nm.gif https://i.imgur.com/7roK48u.gif

Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (23.04.18 00:52)



нет, пожалуйста, нееет, только не ассоциации на Яна Малькольма, мать моя.....






fuck, Newton



https://i.imgur.com/ZEAsWJT.gif https://i.imgur.com/kpQ4vcS.gif
https://i.imgur.com/n8eIHPB.gif https://i.imgur.com/nYPqVMA.gif

I’m surprised Hermann just kinda lets himself be lead around in this scene. He looks almost upset Newt doesn’t approve of the salute he totally doesn’t practice in front of a mirror sometimes.
This part really does illustrate the height difference though. Newton what are you doing here? You are late for your interview with the lollipop guild.

On one hand, I’m glad they cut this scene because it tries to setup a conflict between Newt and the Jaeger pilots that doesn’t really go anywhere. The takeaway should be Newt’s frustration that no one is really looking into Kaiju motivation deep enough (foreshadowing his solo Drift), but his confrontation with Raleigh overpowers it.

Plus, there’s enough in-fighting with Chuck vs Raleigh, we don’t need any scientists vs jocks bullshit. So, again, very glad for the cut.

BUT on the other hand, it’s fun to see Newt be an impulsive, passionate, spastic asshole. It’s about time he be the antagonizer - in the rest of the movie, Hermann tends to be the one who has the more snippy attitude.

It’s also hilarious how long-suffering Hermann is in this scene. Really, it’s amusing how quickly the two go from sniping at each other to forgetting about it. The entire scene from open to close of elevator basically plays out as:

● sniping
● sniping
● shared frustrated looks over Stacker’s new charge
● long-suffering eyerolls from Hermann while Newt blows up
● half-hearted snipe from Newt
● immediate appeal to Hermann from Newt about he how doesn’t like the new guy
● walk into the sunset elevator together

Seriously. They are totally married work-married besties, even if they don’t know it yet. (In the scope of their relationship arc, I’m also glad they cut this scene because the Kaiju Bros feel too close here. It’s great for head-canons to hint so early on that they actually like each other underneath the barbs, but less satisfactory for drama.)

Also, don’t get me started on the salute. That makes THREE now. Herman is absolutely a wanna-be soldier type who sees Stacker as some kind of father-figure. It is adorkable and another delightful little characterization that plays against the tweedy-professor archetype.

I think the most telling thing is that Hermann even allows Newt to touch him like that. Has anybody mentioned THAT yet? I mean he just lets Newt manhandle him back into the elevator. Its the kind of familiarity through touch you see with people who have either been together a long time or touch each other casually all the time. Also He doesn’t outright push Hermann back because he is aware of his bad leg. Its more like herding him around. Its oddly personal.

Also I think him pointing out Hermann isn’t a soldier is a bit of a compliment. He obviously has trouble with authority figures. Hermann has the opposite problem he NEEDS authority figures. Newt has more respect for scientists then he has for soldiers (as we just saw with him screaming at Raleigh) He almost says your not a soldier like hes demeaning himself by acting like one. I think this kinda shows up to with his protest flashbacks in the drift. Brains over brawn.

The other thing is that hes still talking about the ranger to Hermann not because he thinks the man is going to agree with him but because he knows he will at least LISTEN. From this confrontation with a random stranger I imagine he does this shit with just about anybody and the only person still patient enough to tolerate it is the one guy still sticking around the lab with him after everybody else has given up the ghost.

Why are you guys so INTERESTING.


They have a similar sort of quiet familiarity in the Hannibal Chau briefing scene. That could have been a “get-along shirt“ moment in which Stacker forces them to work together, but there’s no need.

And excellent point on the contrast in how they feel about authority. I think half the reason Newt shouts, “MOVE OVER YOU FASCIST” to Herc in LOCCENT is that he just. can’t. help. himself. It’s so ingrained within him to be anti-authority.

Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (24.04.18 21:24)



ето будет наш тайный запасной план...




I just can't
this shit literally haunts me




Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (16.10.18 14:54)



но я решительно не понимаю, почему везде проблемная нога правая. на первой гифке он переносит вес тела на обе ноги, но потом почти сразу возвращает его полностью на.. правую ногу и трость.
потому что совершенно очевидно, в том числе по тому, как он её поджимает в других сценах, что беда с левой.
or am I wrong
wtf, ppl, wtf



Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (25.04.18 00:41)



грёбаные же вы придурки
почему я должен на старости лет опять спасать ваш убогий мир
который не смог даже удержать Ньютона


let's bloody face it
Hermann is once again the man who did all the dirty work
тот неловкий момент, когда тяжёлая кавалерия это старикан с клюкой, да?

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (26.04.18 01:36)




dude, wake up
your whole life is basically a mission on it's own

и и и и и да, вот тут я беру часть своих слов назад
потому что в этом моменте он ангельски прекрасен, потому что до свидания

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (26.04.18 03:24)



чего им не хватало?


TRIGEIST — you’re triple drifting with your lab partner, two carbon-based humans and a half-dead kaiju fetus, you’re soaked down to the very stem of your brain where all the signals are firing and you’re not even sure which of the three of them is yours; the marrow is quivering in your bones, the mucus is sticking in your throat, the flesh is vibrating off your muscles, and you’ve never been this terrified in your entire life. or: a mix for the brutal, mountainous intensity of a three-way hive mind drift, for all the hills and valleys of the human (and inhuman) experience, all pressed cruelly together into the space between sobbing beats of two human hearts and one alien brain.

Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (26.04.18 21:12)






some really FUCKED UP SHIT


important observations to support my belief that inception and pacific rim take place in the same universe, and that drift technology is the distant descendant of dream sharing tech.

It IS a jump because the PASIV operates on a drug basically, a soporific, and there’s some wobbly science about proximity and sharing a device. altering the chemical can alter the properties of the dream, clarity, length, etc.

However, you could argue it’s a prototype of the PONS system, which is more safe as you can manually turn it off unless you have a situation like mako’s, or are, let’s say, drifting with a hivemind alien consciousness. While the PASIV does have the failsafe of pulling the IV out and therefore halting the drug administration, it is far less guaranteed as an out than the PONS failsafes.

For it to have morphed into neural bridging they would have had to abandon the espionage and like. conceptual uses of dream sharing to make it a more confined connection and also a waking one. You could argue the neural handshake is just a shortened dream, and the completion of that handshake the kick? Which fits with the visuals we get for the drift sequences, even the jolt when drifters return to full lucidity.

The thing about dream sharing for the purposes of military training and espionage is they are trained not to create dreams from memory as doing so can become dangerous and dissociative for the dreamer, which lines up really well with the dangers of chasing RABIT and attempting to drift with someone with whom you are not compatible

And you could definitely argue that the drift partners are in a sort of in-between place in terms of consciousness for the entirety of the drift, as they could chase the RABIT at any point and go Fully into the memory and are also partially experiencing the others’ thoughts/etc

So initially with the mark-1 they focused on creating jaeger tech that made the robot able to drift with a single human. They had this giant ass robot which is able to connect with a person via an induced dream state, align nervous systems, and act as one being. But they then realized, due to the death of whatever his name was, (RIP that one guy) even with the tech allowing them to use more of the brain of the pilot as its processor, it wasn’t enough. needs more RAM, essentially, so.

Then the neural handshake is introduced. More of the initial PASIV type tech is reintroduced when you have two or more jaeger pilots, as it was built for multiple people. They’d have to expand and also pinpoint the consciousnesses and how they were aligning. they had to have testers who werent jaeger pilots???

and to complete this ENORMOUS LEAP OF LOGIC, (which i am doing because i want to fuse these two universes and not because i want to convince anyone that this is an absolute truth), maybe hermann has a PASIV in the lab leftover from the very beginning of his work in the Jaeger program.


Отредактировано Newton Geiszler (29.04.18 13:00)



PacRim Totems







руки Тендо
как жить-то после такого вообще

Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (30.04.18 21:34)



the wondefrul gesticulation of Dr. Newton Geiszler


Отредактировано Hermann Gottlieb (30.04.18 22:31)



the fascinating facial expressions of Dr. Hermann Gottlieb




почти 4 утра, а я не могу спать и ору, как ненормальный, на всю квартиру, потому что...
and the rest of the cast!

и да




So during the course of my fanfic research i started to think alot about the politics and economics of Pacific Rim….wait don’t stop reading! I know It sounds boring but I promise you its really fascinating.

Lets start with one of my favorite examples. Lets talk about how the Anti-Kaiju Wall of Life and FDR’s New deal are actually the same thing. For people unfamiliar with the new deal it was a plan put forth to help end the great depression in the United States between 1933 and 1936. I hate to quote Wikipedia here but they put it very simply and succinctly when talking about the “Three R’s” of the New Deal.

Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression

The world during the Kaiju war would have many similarities with the USA during the Great Depression. For one thing people would start to wander away from the coasts for safety reasons. The areas near the ocean would become ghost towns. These wandering people would be looking for work much like people who traveled from place to place during the Dustbowl. There would be breadlines everywhere. People displaced by Kaiju and the Blue. The economy would be down the tubes and economically both the United States and the world would go into a horrible financial recession/depression. Because of this more and more people would be jobless and homeless. So what do we do about that?

We create jobs.

How do we create jobs? Well during the new deal many of the jobs created were construction jobs or infrastructure work. Rebuilding America’s roads and working in the public interest. So the question is what can we build? The Kaiju war is different from most human wars in that the number of warm bodies needed to do the actual fighting is very very small. Sure we need a few hundred mechanics but compare that to the number of soldiers that died in WWII. We have to put all these people to work some other way and that’s where the wall comes in.

In my opinion the higher ups knew the wall project might ultimately be ineffective but had so many problems (poverty included) the project would solve they went ahead with it anyway. People working on the wall are people who aren’t depending on charity or possibly protesting government institutions. Its a solution that not only employs the destitute but it makes them feel useful which is a powerful psychological tool to have when the Kaiju can inspire mass hysteria so easily. Come be part of the wall! Do your part! This helps with the overall propaganda-esque feeling many people say they notice when watching the film. It isn’t just the art its the overall attitude of the people.

So back to those three R’s. The wall of life covers all of them when you look at why the thing was originally built. They go as such.

Relief- They build the wall and help relieve the pressure on the Jaeger program.

Recovery- After years of building the walls the hope is that the Kaiju will be kept out and the world can resume normally.

Reform- building the walls will prevent further attacks.

The funny thing is that the new plan did help end the depression but ultimately it would never have ended so quickly had it not been for WWII which is effectively what the Jaeger program represents. But that’s a whole different post.


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